Across the Generations
By Oceana O’Boyle
Interview in Honor of 90 Years
My grandma Irene Capone was born on August 9, 1928. She turned 90 this year and we held a surprise birthday party for her. She was so shocked.
She has lived in town her whole life, and was working at George’s Ice Cream Shop on Centre Street when she met her husband, Gino Capone. That was the beginning of her life, she said. She had four children, 11 grandchildren, and now 11 great grandchildren.
I sat down with my grandma to ask a few questions.
Coal Cracker: What is your favorite drink?
Irene Capone: Hot tea.
CC: What do you like to eat with your hot tea?
IC: Toast and crackers.
CC: What are your favorite football teams?
IC: The Eagles and Penn State.
CC: What’s your favorite show?
IC: The Chew.
CC: What do you do during the day?
IC: Little things I can do. Take care of Denny, the cat, and sit with him in the yard.
CC: What advice would you give the people reading this who are younger than you?
IC: No smoking, no alcohol, and keep close to God.
CC: What makes you worry?
IC: Everything.
CC: What do you think about Coal Cracker?
IC: I think it’s great that young people take part in this paper. You don’t read things like you do in this paper in the regular newspapers.
CC: Who do you miss out of everyone you’ve met in your lifetime?
IC: My husband and son who passed away and live in heaven.