Photo of Holtz Cavenas.

Animal Abuse is Not Okay

Photo of Coal Cracker reporter and arts and entertainment writer Joei Shaller.

By Joei Shaller





A big problem we have struggled with for centuries is animal cruelty. It’s also called animal abuse, or neglect.

Animal cruelty is when someone hurts an animal or does not care for an animal responsibly, like not giving a dog or cat food and water.

It is against the law to be cruel to or harm animals, even your own pets. You can be fined or sent to jail in some cases.

Photo of Holtz Cavenas.

Holtzy lost an eye to abuse, but has since found a loving home and family.

Hope for Holtzy

I’d like to tell you the story of an adorable little dog named Holtzy. It’s a pretty interesting story. When Holtzy was brought into the Hillside SPCA in Pottsville, his fur was matted and a mess. He also had to have one of his eyes surgically removed due to a serious injury.

Nobody really knows how or why Holtzy was mistreated, but because of the way his eye and fur were we do know that he was not treated right.

After a long surgery and some recovery time, Holtzy was adopted by my family. He is now living a good and happy life, and we hope he never has to go through being mistreated again. It’s a good thing Holtzy was taken out of that bad situation and cared for or he probably wouldn’t have made it.

What You Can Do

Holtzy was left with a brutal battle scar where his eye was removed, but if we all work together we can decrease animal cruelty. We can save animals from being scarred mentally and physically.

If you see an animal being abused or neglected, call your local police station or animal shelter, or tell an adult. You should never try to approach an animal in distress; you might get badly hurt.

Together we can help animals in need. We can be their heroes.

Hillside SPCA

PO Box 233

51 SPCA Road

Pottsville, PA 17901


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