
My Favorite Wild Cat

Photo of Coal Cracker reporter Oceana O'Boyle.By Oceana O’Boyle





Black panthers are my favorite wild cats. I wanted to write about them, so I did some online research to learn more about them.

The class of a black panther is mammalia. Their family is called felidae. The genus is panthera, which is one of their scientific names. They can also be called pardus and panthera onca.

Some common names are panther, black panther, black leopard and black jaguar. They live in forests, which I think is pretty normal. They also live in grasslands, which would be my second guess. They can also live in swamplands, which I would never have guessed.

Wild Cat Habits

Panthers can be located in Asia, Africa and America. Their behavior is solitary and they are nocturnal. The food they eat, or their diet, is carnivorous. Prey includes deer, antelope, wild boar and rabbits.

Black panthers can live up to 12-15 years. Panther cubs of 2 or 3 months old go out hunting with their moms to learn how to survive on their own. The cubs also learn the skill of climbing at a very young age.

I hope you learned some new things about black panthers. I did!

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