Medical Marijuana Have an Opinion?
By John Wiekrykas
Earlier this year the Coal Cracker staff participated in an Editorial Board meeting with Senator David G. Argall (R-29) at the Mahanoy City Downtown Center.
I talked with Senator Argall about his position on the legalization of marijuana, which is a big topic of discussion among elected officials in Pennsylvania. On May 12, the Pennsylvania Senate approved SB3, Sen. Mike Folmer and Sen. Daylin Leach’s legislation to allow certain patients to treat their debilitating medical conditions with marijuana. It now faces a more difficult vote in the PA House of Representatives, according to PennLive.com.
Senator Argall voted in favor of SB3. He said his position is based on the people’s opinion. So when he says he favors the legalization of marijuana for medical uses he is representing the majority of people in his district.
Argall’s response was consistent with that of many other elected officials. SB3 passed the PA Senate with a vote of 40-7. Argall said that medical marijuana could be used to treat cancer patients and to alleviate pain or discomfort from treatments such as radiation.
Senator Argall completely disagrees with the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes.
What would you say? Do you agree on the legalization of marijuana for medical or recreational use?
State your opinion below in our comments section.