
New Borough Manager in Mahanoy City

Photo of Coal Cracker reporter Myla Wall by Nikki Stetson.By Myla Wall





I interviewed the new Mahanoy City Borough Manager, Cindy Soley, about her job.

She said she thinks it’s great that young people are learning and experiencing careers in journalism through Coal Cracker, especially during a time when journalists seem to be getting attacked all the time.

Coal Cracker: What’s it like being the new borough manager?

Cindy Soley: I’m finding it challenging, new responsibilities and new problems to deal with.

CC: Why did you want to go from borough secretary to borough manager?

CS: I am always looking to improve myself, learn and do more. I saw this as an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge and experience.

CC: What does the borough manager do?

CS: My responsibilities are to oversee the daily operations of the borough. This includes creating budgets, writing grants, acting at the direction and behalf of council for everyday non-judicial matters, and being the liaison for council to the citizens and business entities that the borough deals with.

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