
Stay Informed about Storms

Photo of Coal Cracker reporter Oceana O'Boyle.By Oceana O’Boyle





Did you ever wonder about the weather? Where do thunderstorms come from? And why do they usually occur during summer vacation? How does a hurricane develop? I did some online research to find answers, which are pretty cool and interesting.

First of all, a thunderstorm occurs when the biggest cloud in the sky, called a cumulonimbus, becomes electrically charged. This happens when ice crystals and water droplets collide with air currents, producing electricity. The raindrops get bigger and bigger inside the cloud until they are too heavy and fall to the ground.

Secondly, thunderstorms are most likely to take place during summer vacation because the jet stream brings large volumes of warm, moist air up from the tropics during the summertime.

Therefore, if you’re outside during the summertime and you see a huge dark cloud, along with thunder and lightning, you better find shelter fast because thunderstorms bring heavy rain or hailstones the size of golf balls, and on some occasions even baseball size. Never underestimate a thunderstorm; they can be very dangerous.


Hurricanes are born over the warm waters of tropical oceans. The sun heats the water, then the warm water vapor rises into the atmosphere, forming cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds combined with moisture and energy from the ocean form vast, low-pressure whirlpools. These strong winds start the clouds spinning, which is a hurricane.

Hurricanes are violent storms with winds that can blow over 200 miles per hour and bring heavy rain. When these storms start in the Atlantic Ocean they are called hurricanes. But when they start in the Pacific Ocean they are called Typhoons. A hurricane can measure 250 miles across. The eye is the center of the storm and is a calm area; it can measure up to 25 miles across.

Hurricanes are very dangerous when they touch land. The winds can uproot trees, destroy buildings, lift boats and cars, and throw them around. Anyone caught outside does not stand much of a chance.

Thanks to modern methods for tracking weather from satellites and aircraft, people now can get a warning that a dangerous storm is bearing down on them. Each hurricane is given a name¾Agnes, Sandy and Katrina are memorable ones¾and warnings are issued in good time to prepare.

So be smart and always watch your local weather forecast!

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