Coal Cracker reporters Joei and Emma Shaller met with Schuylkill County Commissioners Gary Hess and George Halcovage at the Schuylkill Youth Summit.

Schuylkill Youth Summit Welcomes Coal Cracker

Coal Cracker reporters Joei and Emma Shaller with PA Auditor General Eugene DePasquale at the Schuylkill Youth Summit.Coal Cracker Reporters Joei and Emma Shaller attended the third annual Schuylkill Youth Summit in March at the Penn State Schuylkill campus.

Schuylkill Youth Summit

The summit convenes high school students to help make Schuylkill County a better place to live, work, play, and raise their families.

While at the summit, Joei and Emma met with PA Auditor General Eugene DePasquale (pictured at left), Schuylkill County District Attorney Christine Holman, and County Commissioners Gary Hess and George Halcovage (pictured above).

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