The Unwelcome Ones – Chapter One
An Excerpt of Original Science Fiction
By Joseph Peters
“We have to go Myran. You know what’ll happen if we get caught here, and it damn well won’t fare good for us.”
It stung to hear these words escape from my brother Alixer’s lips, but I knew it was true. There was no denying it to try and make myself happier. We were outcasts, defects formed by the hands of God and placed into a society filled with hate. A place that would annihilate my brother and I at the first given opportunity, along with anyone else like us.
“I know… just hurts. Thought we could finally pull it off here.” My voice was raspy, coming out in flaky stutters. It was far too cold, the frigid weather making the already strenuous speaking process much more difficult. “I suppose I was wrong… again.”
Alixer turned, resting his yellow eyes that were fiery and blazing like the sun, upon me, trying his best to flash a reassuring smile but failing in the process. He knew what was up and it certainly wasn’t anything to smile about.
“We’ll find a place where we can fit in. We’ll figure it out. It may take longer than we want, but there’s a place out there for us.”
A sigh broke through his lips and he shook his head fiercely, his ashen colored hair twirling along and falling in front of his face, covering his eyes.
“No, not Hell. Even if we have to go where the others escape to, at least we’ll have a chance to live. We will be accepted.”
I wholly doubted that, considering the fact we had been on the run our entire lives. Running was something I grew accustomed to, never getting close to anyone and never letting my guard down. It would only put us at even more risk and I certainly didn’t feel like dying for the sake of being happy.
Still, nonetheless, I believed that evil could be turned to good and that someday we would be accepted. No matter what the world thought about us, The Unwelcome Ones, I would still desperately cling to the hope that things would work out for the better.
As stupid as that was.
“If you say so.”
The yellow orb in the sky ever so slowly drifted upwards, peaking over the snow smothered mountains, and it became noticeably easier to breathe as the sun began to pull the unfriendly chill away. The warmth that was coming was a pleasant feeling, one that would be perfect to last forever, but the wonderful moment wouldn’t last if we stayed here much longer.
Alixer was right. We had to go.
He tore his gaze away, which had been resting on my crumpled form that entire time, and he turned his body, assumingly to look at the town one last time. His crimson red cape swung in the breeze, fluttering lightly along before falling back to about knee length.
“Farewell Laperia.”
At those words, I unbent my knees and stood up, bringing up a navy blue hood that had been attached to my own white cape and tossing it over my head to stop shortly above my eyes. I took a deep breath.
It was time to go.