
Camp Cadet: Advancing Ranks
By Sara Dimmick DOUGLASSVILLE–Camp Cadet is a week-long program staffed by Pennsylvania State Police Troopers, municipal officers, personnel from many branches of the Armed Forces, and other volunteers. Troop L of the camp is located at Camp Manatawny in Douglassville, Berks County. It is open to... Read More

Siblings in Arms
Share Your Family Photos By Myla Wall COAL REGION–There were many local families with multiple siblings who fought during World War II. The Oncidi family, from Mahanoy City, had eight boys in the war at the same time. The patriarch of the family, Giuseppe, was an... Read More

Take a Spin to Wheel
By Oceana O’Boyle and Emma Shaller POTTSVILLE–Wheel, a restaurant located at 201 West Market Street, is a grilled cheese lover’s dream. The menu consists of gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, as well as mac-n-cheese, fries, desserts, and other tasty items. One original thing about this restaurant is... Read More

Making Neighborhoods Safer
Photos by David Lindenmuth SCHUYLKILL COUNTY-Several local towns participated in National Night Out in early August. The event is “an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live,” according to the event’s website. Share... Read More

Football Flashback
Alumni Battle in a Classic Clash By Meredith Rhoades SHENANDOAH-On August 11th, alumni members of Mahanoy Area and Shenandoah Valley high school football teams suited up once again in the First Annual Alumni Game held at Shenandoah’s Veterans Memorial Stadium. As any graduate of the... Read More

Farewell to Summer 2017
COAL REGION—Throughout the summer, Coal Cracker journalists were snapping photos of local people and places, as well as a few out of the way attractions experienced while on vacation. Here’s a look back at summer 2017 in and around the Anthracite Region. Share this article...

Young Entrepreneurs
By David Lindenmuth SCHUYLKILL HAVEN—Could the next Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey or Mark Zuckerberg hail from the Coal Region? Possibly, and a program hosted by the Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce wants to maximize that chance by equipping students with the skills needed to achieve such a... Read More

An Evolving Worldview
By Meredith Rhoades EUROPE–I recently took a trip across the Atlantic Ocean and got a taste, literally and figuratively, of Europe. I navigated four different cities in four countries, three different types of currencies, times changes, and countless forms of transportation. I learned so much just... Read More
Drug Awareness Essay
By Oceana O’Boyle COAL REGION–Coal Cracker reporter Oceana O’Boyle wrote this essay on drug awareness for a contest sponsored by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. This year’s theme was “Just Say No,” and was open to students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Oceana... Read More

Cleaning Up at the Lumber Company
UPDATE 7/31/17: Check Out our Fresh Paint Days News! Coal Cracker staff members have been cleaning up our new headquarters at the former Mahanoy City Lumber and Supply Company on West Centre Street in the borough. Pictured, above, from left to right, after removing a tarp from the front window... Read More